hehehe 18 liao hor... must grow up liao. haha. i wished she can find her prince charming soon! wahahhaha!

oooohhh! i like this picture!!

went out with grace yesterday then.... we saw SUNI!! hahaha! miss her so much!! we going picnic next week! yeah! and i'm meeting eunice and huiqi tmr... like finally. hahaha. real real real lazy to do research.... how huh? people tell me how? waiting for pohyee to buy lunch back for me. hehehe. gonna workout later. hehe. i love working out! hahaha. okay lunch's here. bye...
be contented with what you have. Don't always compare your pass with your present, cos, in the end, you're the one suffering the most! Cherish what you already have. Cos when it's gone, you'll start regretting.
from: shriek for ever after...
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