Friday, December 31, 2010

new year eve

a little post on the last day of 2010. excited and looking forward to 2011. will be turning 19 in no time. look at how time flies. take what you want to 2011 and leave what you don't in 2010. LOVE Y'ALL PEOPLE! 

Monday, December 20, 2010

that day

that day was meet up with cally. i miss her la! all she does now is work work and work. we did some catching up, glad to know she's sort off having 'fun' and work. having my 2 weeks school holidays now. Christmas is coming! don't know why so excited but just excited.

i had my check up for my thyroid condition last friday. the thyroid went too low, which was a expected results. which means my treatment is successful. currently been on a new type of medication to make my thyroid back to normal for about a month and we'll see how the medication works on me. hope everything goes well.

and i miss you girls!!!

everyone been so busy with their schools and life. make me miss y'all so much and yet there's nothing i can do! can we meet up please?

Friday, December 17, 2010


knitted top with acid wash denim high waist. shoes of different colour. dr. martens boots. knitted beanie. oversize knitted cardigan. shredded knitted pull over. female baseball jacket. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010


yesterday was the last paper for termtest. after that was sentosa with friends!!! it rained didn't even get to see the sun at all. not a good time to go sentosa during december. having my holidays now. it's not really a holiday for me. got lots and lots of project to do. what-a-holiday. people excited for christmas and count down here i am stuck with all my projects. at least it's enough to keep me busy. really so busy that now i don't have the time to do things i like.

i am going to the doctors tomorrow the check my thyroid. it's been 2 months since i've did my radioactive iodine treatment. i know myself that the condition of my body changes. i was diagnosed with thyroid since i was aged 14. i look like a normal person but i'm actually not healthy. i took medicine every single day without fail. after doctors tomorrow i will have to start my medication again but of a different kind. i used to sweat easily and after the treatment i don't sweat at all unless i exercise. i slim down cause i stop the medication which has an side effect of growing fat. when i first took the medication, my weight increased 10kg. i normally don't explain to people what thyroid is because they don't understand. i'll just hope that i can be healthy again.

christmas is nearing, i love exchanging gifts! but we don't have the culture in s'pore to celebrate thanks-giving. enjoy your holidays guys!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

stress hormones

it's december already. time really fly. it's term test period. stress hormone building. wanna quickly get over and i need my holidays. and soon i'm turning nineteen. nearly forgot that i'm turning nineteen. busy busy busy. work and school and work and school. i wanna start feeling responsible for my own actions. my brain is currently tired from term test can't really think. i really need my holidays. hope y'all enjoy your up coming holidays.