it's the chinese new year season now but i have to start work on the chu san. i need my holiday!!! hahaha. but i went for my CNY cruise trip. muhahaha. although i've been to curise for several times, but i never went during CNY. hoho!
it's called the SUPER STAR VIRGO. and as i knew they have many many other cruises. the cruises are all named after horoscope. they have star leo and more. hahaha. my cruise virgo therefore is a chu nu (a virgin). hahahaha!
okay this was actually taken at the last day of the trip. family photo.
before boarding. okay mummy was short, so i was bending down.

the trip was alright i went to try their new slide at the pool area. wanted to go into the casino at the 2nd day but i fell asleep while waiting for mum and dad to finish their 2012 movie at the picture house. so i didn't manage to get in. but it's alright, i'll wait for next time.
and it's the CNY period, so we went to bai nian and stuff. was so tired this few days i keep sleeping in cars. i hate to sleep during journey cause i don't like waking up with my neck all sore.
i was board while waiting for food.
this was taken at the lobby.
the trip was alright i went to try their new slide at the pool area. wanted to go into the casino at the 2nd day but i fell asleep while waiting for mum and dad to finish their 2012 movie at the picture house. so i didn't manage to get in. but it's alright, i'll wait for next time.
and it's the CNY period, so we went to bai nian and stuff. was so tired this few days i keep sleeping in cars. i hate to sleep during journey cause i don't like waking up with my neck all sore.
the two things why i look forward to CNY are: hong bao's and new clothes! muhahaha!
this are my a niece and nephew. cute huh?
this is my another niece trying to smile. hehehehe!
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