i turn 18 today and it's the 4TH of JANUARY! hahaha. maybe 18 sound a bit old and i'm not really prepared to be 18 so soon. hahaha.
and before the clock strikes 12, i'm still able to make my wish right? and although i only have A WISH or 3 WISHES, but can i be a little greedy to have a LIST of WISH? okay, so here goes my WISH LIST
1. i WISH to be healthy like how others are
2. i WISH to get good O's result
3. i WISH everyone i know to stay healthy and happy
4. pohyee to study hard for O's
5. papa and mama to stay healthy and tgt forever
6. to cure my thyroid
7. to become prettier (hahahaha, don't laugh at me la!)
8. to travel all over the country some day
9. my girlfriends to be girlfriends until we're old
10. to be thiner after my thyroid is cure (i need to go back to my old weight)
11. not to be so lazy and help to do housework
12. help pohyee in school work
13. be a great daughter
14. to work hard after going to poly/jc
15. to pay back mama and papa money for the medical bill when i'm older
16. to commit to something i like
17. to learn the sewing machine
18. to learn how to design and sew clothes
and here a my wish list, maybe i have more but it's enough for now.
okay and finally a
cute birthday cake huh?

although i'm not 30 but i love the flora cake!

birthday cookie

and i'm off to bed, and to stay healthy i must sleep early! muahahahahahha!
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