1. busy with school 2. not used to poly life 3. good classmates 4. collected my lappy, blogging with it 5. school end at 6 everyday, sian 6. will update blog when everything is settle 7. very tired.........
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
happy 18th birthday to eunicetay!
school's been so busy not settling down and stuff. yeah! collecting laptop on sat! wooohooo! dont know wad cca to choose. every morning bus to school is so sian...
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
its been long since i post. blog's lagging of pictures. tired from camp and orientation. will update when i'm 'fully recovered' hahaha. how i wish i was sleeping beauty (not that pretty though) then i can sleep for very long....
Excerpt from It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken by Greg Behrendt and AmiraRuotola-Behrendt
to be continued... :)
Sunday, April 4, 2010
school's camp tmr... dont know looking forward to it or not. will be meeting grace to go to school tgt. last thurs was east coast with girlfriends. hahaha. pictures not taken from sy yet. my prom night pictures are still with her... and i need a new bag for school and a new wallet for myself!